Most 10 Evil Children in The History

10. Michael Carneal

In December of 1997, Michael Carneal went to school with a loaded shotgun and rifle. He wrapped the guns in a blanket, passing them off as his school art project. He then preceded to shoot 8 people. Three girls died while 5 others were seriously wounded.

When he finished, he dropped the gun in surrender. Exclaiming, “Please, kill me! I can’t believe I did that”.

9.Michael Hernandez

In 2004, Michael Hernandez then 14 years old, killed his fellow classmate Jamie Rodrigo Gough. The incident once again took place in the state of Florida. The murder was committed in the boy’s school bathroom.

The 14-year-old boys were friends. Gough accompanied Hernandez to the bathroom where Hernandez claimed he wanted to show him something. Michael Hernandez took Jamie Gough in the bathroom stall. There he preceded to stab him several times and slice his throat.

8.Jasmine Richardson

Jasmine Richardson at 12 years old is the youngest person in Canada to ever be convicted of multiple murders. Surely, her parents taught her better. That achievement is nothing to be proud of. The thing is, her parents were 2 of her victims. Along with her younger brother.

The family’s bodies were found on April 23, 2006. When Jasmine was nowhere to be found. Police and citizens were frantic that Jasmine had also been murdered. Fortunately, she was found alive and well with her boyfriend.

Jasmine’s parents did not approve of her boyfriend who was 23. What parent would approve of a 23-year-old dating a 12-year-old child? Her boyfriend was also charged with the murders of her family.

In July of 2007, Jasmine Richardson was found guilty on 3 counts of first-degree murder. She was only sentenced to 10 years in prison. Although, it is the maximum sentence allowed for a person under 13 years of age according to Canadian law.

6.Robert Thompson and Jon Venables

Robert Thompson and Jon Venables were two 10-year-old boys who are evil. The committed a senseless act of murder to a helpless defenseless toddler. In 1992 they murdered 2-year-old James Bulger.

At the mall, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables were on a free shopping spree. Stealing items from random stores. They decided to steal a 2-year-old boy, James Bulger. There is no reason why. Maybe just to see if they could. The thing was, once they had him. They had no idea what to do with them.

James Bulger was nothing more than an object for these two greedy boys to steal. Instead of giving back their new property. They disposed of him. Sadly, beating the fragile toddler to death and dumping him on the train tracks.

True, relentless evil. Why did they do kill James Bulger? Only Robert and Jon know the real answer to that.

5.Eric Smith

He was just barely into his teen years at 13, when he abused and killed Derrick Robie who was only four on August 2, 1993 in Steuben county, New York. Derrick and Eric lived in separate areas of the town, although they both went to the same baseball program only about a block from Derrick’s residence. Derrick’s mom was looking after her youngest kid when she made the regrettable decision to let her son walk that block by himself. It only took about five short minutes, then Derrick was persuaded off the sidewalk and led deep into the forest by Eric. That is where he would be sexually abused and murdered. Eric admitted to this horrific crime but never really gave a reason to why he went through with it. He would be sentenced to nine years to life and was convicted of second-degree murder.

4.Mary Bell

When she was the tender age of 11 years young, this ruthless Brit was given the nickname The Tyneside strangler. She actually killed someone before her 11th birthday, when she strangled a four-year-old named Martin Brown to death.

Later that same year, Bell would continue her brutal killing spree and would commit yet another murder, but this time she had an accomplice. Bell, along with her friend Norma, killed a three-year-old named Brian Howe. The body was so badly beaten the cause of death was undetermined. The psychopath Bell went back to Howe’s body to slice an “M” into the stomach to mark her murder, then went on mutilating Howe with a pair of scissors. Bell would be given a charge of manslaughter, but was released at the age of only 23 and has since become a mother and a grandmother herself. And as far as anyone knows, she has not committed another crime.

3.Bryan And David Freeman and Nelson Byrdwell

Bryan Freeman, 17, and David, 16, who had shaved and tattooed their heads as a symbol of their neo-Nazi beliefs, were immediate suspects when their parents and younger brother were found bludgeoned to death in their Salisbury Township, PA, home. The boys had been terrorizing the family and, as a whole, the town. As the police told it, the triple murder uncovered in Salisbury Township, Pa., that week was every parent’s nightmare — the ghastly culmination of a long-running battle of wills between Brenda and Dennis Freeman and their loutish, hulking sons Bryan, 17, and David, 16.

2.Edmund Kemper

In 1964, when Edmund Kemper was 15, he shot his grandparents, killing them both. He had been planning his repulsive act for some time and had no regrets later. The California Youth Authority detained him in Juvenile Hall so that they could put him through rigorous series of tests administered by a psychiatrist. Because the results suggested that he was a paranoid psychotic, he was sent to Atascadero State Hospital for treatment. There he learned what others thought about his crime and worked hard to make his doctors believe that he had recovered. Although he was considered a sociopath, he worked in the psychology lab to help administer the tests to others. In the process, he learned a lot about other deviant offenders. Kemper was released after another five years and remained under the supervision of the Youth Authority. His doctors recommended that he not be returned to his mother’s care, but the Youth Authority ignored this. After Kemper murdered and dismembered eight women over the next five years, these same doctors affirmed his insanity defense. In fact, even as he was carrying parts of his victims around, a panel of psychiatrists judged him to be no threat to society.

1.Brenda Anne Spencer

On Monday, January 29, 1979, 16-year-old Brenda Ann Spencer used a rifle to wound eight children and one police officer at Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego, and to kill Principal Burton Wragg and custodian Mike Suchar. The school was across the street from her house. She used the rifle she had recently been given for Christmas by her father. When the six-hour incident ended and the pretty teenager was asked why she had committed the crime, she shrugged and replied, “I don’t like Mondays. This livens up the day.” She also said: “I had no reason for it, and it was just a lot of fun.” “It was just like shooting ducks in a pond.” and “[The children] looked like a herd of cows standing around; it was really easy pickings.” Her lack of remorse and inability to provide a serious explanation for her actions when captured inspired the song “I Don’t Like Mondays” by The Boomtown Rats, written by socialist musician Bob Geldof. Her quote “I don’t like Mondays” also appears written on a wall in the movie, The Breakfast Club.

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