Natural contraceptive methods

Pregnancy: Pregnancy is defined as the period during which the fetus develops in the mother’s womb, and the period of pregnancy is usually calculated starting from the first day of the last menstrual period, as it usually extends to about 40 weeks, which is equivalent to nine months, and accordingly the months of pregnancy are divided into three stages.  So that each stage comprises three months of pregnancy, and it should be noted that the first stage of pregnancy may be accompanied by many symptoms and signs, including the following:

The most common symptoms are menopause, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, and fatigue.
The least common symptoms are:  Mood swings, bloating, mild bloody dripping, constipation, nasal congestion.

Natural methods of contraception do not need any chemical interference or manipulation of hormones, and among the most prominent natural methods of contraception we mention the following:

  • ContCalendar rhythm method: This method is adopted  To track notes about the nature of a woman's body and the menstrual cycle, as this method requires avoiding sexual contact between a man and a woman in the period in which pregnancy can occur, which is represented by the day of ovulation and the previous five days as a maximum, as the oocyte lives for a period that does not usually exceed 24  An hour from the day of ovulation, while the sperm can continue to survive for a period not exceeding five days, and thus we conclude that it is possible to avoid pregnancy by avoiding sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation and the five days that precede it, and the date of these days can be inferred by observing the signs and symptoms that  It indicates the specific day of ovulation.

  • Withdrawal or pull-out method: This method is based on that the man pulls the male organ from the vagina before ejaculation occurs every time the sexual intercourse takes place, but for the success of this process it is required that no part of the semen leak into the vagina,  In the event of any amount of it reaching the vagina, the occurrence of pregnancy becomes a possibility.

Other contraceptive methods:
There are many methods of contraception based on the desire of the spouses or what is appropriate for a woman’s body. There is none of them that is safer for both parties or one of them, as these methods depend on preventing sperm from reaching the oocyte, or preventing ovaries from producing mature oocytes, or preventing implantation of a fertilized oocyte in the endometrium. The most important of these methods can be shown as follows:

  • Intrauterine IUD: Intrauterine IUD is one of the methods of contraception in circulation among women, which is a small T-shaped device that is inserted into a woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy, as it is placed by a specialist doctor, and then from The IUD can remain in the woman's womb and work effectively for several years; Until a woman wants to remove it or when the doctor decides to remove or replace it, the types of IUD are divided into two types as follows:
  •  Copper IUD: The copper IUD works to prevent the sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg, and even if the egg is fertilized, the egg is fertilized The copper IUD prevents the implantation of a fertilized oocyte in the womb, and the copper IUD can remain in a woman's womb for up to ten years, but the prophet has been advised that it is not recommended to place a copper IUD for women who may be pregnant, or those who suffer from a pelvic infection , Uterine cancer, or unexplained vaginal bleeding. Hormonal IUD The hormonal IUD secretes a progestin hormone that, in turn, increases the thickness of mucus secreted in the cervix, prevents sperm from reaching the oocytes or prevents fertilization, reduces the thickness of the uterus, and may prevent ovaries from releasing oocytes also.
Hormonal Methods: Hormonal methods of birth control depend on the use of hormones to prevent the process of ovulation and prevent the occurrence of pregnancy, as ovulation is defined as the biological process by which an oocyte is released from one of the ovaries, which makes it available for fertilization, and it is possible to enter hormones To a woman’s body in a number of ways, including pills, injections, skin plasters, vaginal rings, and hormonal IUDs, and depending on the types of hormones used, these methods can prevent pregnancy; Either by preventing ovulation, or by increasing the thickness of the cervical mucus, which helps prevent sperm from reaching the oocyte. The most prominent hormonal methods that can be used in preventing pregnancy are as follows: 
  • Injectable birth control: In this way, the progestin is injected into the arm or buttocks once every three months.

  • Progestin-only pills: in which one tablet is taken daily, preferably at the same time each day, as the progestin pill affects the ovulation process or sperm function.

  • Combined oral contraceptives: Combined oral contraceptives contain synthetic estrogen and a progestin hormone that works to inhibit ovulation, as a woman usually takes one tablet daily, at the same time each day. 

Sterilization operations: Sterilization is a form of birth control, and works to prevent a woman or a man from becoming pregnant, or prevent a man from releasing sperm, the most prominent of these surgeries:
  • Tubal ligation.
  • Vasectomy.

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