The benefits of of ginger


The ginger plant, scientifically known as Zingiber Officinale, belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. Its origin is from Tropical Asia, but it is also cultivated in several other regions around the world;  Like the tropics of Australia, parts of the United States, India, China, Jamaica, Brazil, and West Africa, ginger is also a perennial plant.  In the world, and over thousands of years, ginger has also been used to treat many diseases. In this area, fresh ginger, which is also called green ginger, is the best type in reducing infection, as it retains all of its natural chemical compounds, while dried ginger loses some of these compounds  During milling and drying.

Benefits of Ginger

  • Reducing Nausea and Vomiting

A comprehensive analysis published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology indicated the possibility of the effectiveness of ginger in relieving vomiting and nausea that may occur after surgeries, According to a study published in the journal Pediatric Blood & Cancer, ginger can reduce vomiting and nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy, in addition to the treatments described.

  • Reducing vertigo: 

A study was published in the journal ORL, showing that it is possible for ginger to significantly reduce the occurrence of vertigo significantly, as the study was conducted on a group of healthy people by exposing them to one of the tests of the vestibular apparatus called Caloric Stimulation of The Vestibular System.

  • Reducing some symptoms of osteoarthritis: 

Ginger can positively influence osteoarthritis. A study published in Arthritis & Rheumatology in conducted a group of people with moderate to severe knee pain, and the result showed  The possibility of the effectiveness of concentrated doses of ginger extract in relieving pain during standing or walking and significantly reducing symptoms, while side effects were limited to a slight feeling of abdominal discomfort, in addition to that, a preliminary study published in the journal Natural Product Research ;  The possibility of ginger to reduce knee pain and inflammation, when consumed for 30 days.

  • Reducing indigestion: 
Ginger contains a group of chemical compounds that contribute to the digestion process in general, and helps stomach pain, and ginger can also improve indigestion, which is represented by a feeling of discomfort, and a feeling of pain in the upper part of  Stomach, and delayed gastric emptying is one of the main symptoms that lead to indigestion, so a study published in the European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology in showed that ginger powder can accelerate gastric emptying by 50%, when consumed  before the meal with a dose of 1.2 g.

  • Joint pain relief:
Research has shown that consuming a specific product containing ginger for 8 weeks reduces joint pain by 37%.

  • Headache:
 Ginger help relieve the symptoms of migraines or headache, and ginger also reduces inflammations in the blood vessels, in addition to it relieves pain caused by the headache, and it may be  This is beneficial for children with this type of headache.

  • Reducing cholesterol levels:

A study published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies showed that ginger reduce the level of cholesterol in the bloodstream in mice that they were given a high-fat food.

  • Reducing ulcerative colitis: 

Ginger help improve the general pathogenic activity of ulcerative colitis.

  • Reducing colds:

Ginger contains some of the compounds that help reduce colds, and relieve some of its symptoms, such as heat, pain, and cough, and in addition to that it helps to feel warm, and ginger help the body to sweat, and reduce infection.

Other benefits: 
Ginger can affect several other conditions, including the following:
Anorexia (nervous appetite), Cholera, flu.

Benefits of ginger for diabetes Ginger have some effective anti-diabetes properties, as a study published in the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research in showed that people with type 2 diabetes that eat ginger daily  for a period of 12 weeks, reduce fasting blood sugar levels, and levels of diabetic hemoglobin testing (HbA1c).

The benefits of ginger for allergies:
Ginger is one of the natural ways that be used to reduce the manifestations of seasonal allergies and sinusitis, as a study published in the Journal of International Immunopharmacology showed that ginger modify the immune response to infections associated with allergic asthma, which make it one possible way to alleviate  this problem, in addition,  eating ginger or adding it to food is a healthy and safe way to take advantage of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of ginger for the heart Ginger contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, as it reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, and reduce heartburn, and reduce the incidence of heart attacks, and improve blood circulation,  A study published in the International Journal of Cardiology in showed that ginger has an anti-oxidant and anti-platelet aggregation effect.

Benefits of ginger for blood pressure
Ginger is one of the types of plants that help to reduce blood pressure, as a preliminary study published in the Journal of Nutrition indicated that daily consumption of ginger is linked to reducing the risk of high blood pressure, As a study showed  A study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, that the raw ginger extract to reduce arterial blood pressure in the group of mice that were subjected to the experiment, and this decrease was based on a dose of 0.3 to 3 mg per kg.

Benefits of ginger for the kidney:
A study published in The Scientific World Journal indicated that the ginger improves kidney function and reduce free radicals, and it also help to inhibit the transmitters of infections and restore the pathological tissue structure of the kidney to its natural state, thereby improving the condition of renal insufficiency caused by CCl4 carbon tetrachloride.

Ginger benefits for nerves and memory
Some studies indicate that ginger help inhibit the inflammatory responses that occur in the brain, thanks to the presence of phytochemicals and antioxidants, and these infections, especially chronic ones, and with oxidative stress, to accelerate the aging process, as it is believed to be a factor in the occurrence of cognitive impairment associated with aging and Alzheimer's disease, and in addition to that, a study published in the journal Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine showed that ginger improves the potential of cognitive processes, attention, as well as improving memory, and the reaction time needed to middle-aged women, without causing side effects for them.

Benefits of ginger for cough
Dry cough is one of the most painful and troublesome problems, and it may be difficult to get rid of it. A study published in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology indicated that ginger root contains certain compounds,  that relax the muscles that narrow the airway, in addition, a set of evidence has shown that ginger also help relieve irritation that coughing can cause in the throat and respiratory tract, because it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Benefits of Ginger for Pregnant and Breastfeeding

Benefits of ginger for pregnant:
Ginger is one of the plants that remove the morning sickness that a woman may experience during pregnancy, according to a systematic review published in the Nutrition Journal, and the review included 1278 participants from pregnant women from 12 different studies,  Ginger significantly reduce symptoms of nausea.

Ginger for breastfeeding
Ginger is milk-producing ( Galactagogue) and it stimulate milk production  , and also it contribute to postpartum wound healing.

Ginger for menstrual

  • Reducing the pain associated with the menstrual cycle:
Ginger reduce the pain of the menstrual cycle effectively, as a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that giving a group of women an amount of 250 milligrams of capsules  of ginger 4 times a day, reduce the pain, equivalent to the effect of the same dose of Mefenamic acid, or 400 mg of ibuprofen 4 times a day, as suggested by a systematic review of 6  Studies, published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2016, suggest that ginger can help reduce dysmenorrhea, or what is known as menstrual pain, during or before a menstrual cycle.

  • Reducing menorrhagia: 

Menorrhagia is one of the widespread women's problems among young women, and a variety of herbal plants have been used to reduce this condition, and a study was published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, on the effect of ginger in menorrhagia, and the result showed its effectiveness in reducing blood loss, which could make it an effective option to alleviate this condition.

Studies on the benefits of ginger :

A study published in the Journal of Pain indicated that eating ginger every day, whether in its fresh form or treated with heat, reduce muscle pain, medium to large, after 24 hours after exercising. A study published in Cancer Prevention Research, conducted on 30 participants, indicates that ginger reduce the inflammatory molecules in the colon significantly, when consumed daily at a dose of 2 grams, the potential effectiveness of ginger in helping to reduce the risk of some types of cancer, as another study published in the Yonsei Medical Journal showed that the ginger reduces the growth of cancer cells in the pancreas, as indicated by another study published  In BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, ginger reduces the activity of cancer cells in the ovary. The ginger contains compounds that reduces some types of bacteria, and after the researchers analyzed five types of different compounds found in ginger, it was found that two of them inhibited the bacteria that cause so-called periodontal disease effectively.

Ginger for diet:

A systematic review published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition in 2019 that included 14 different studies indicated that ginger and its nutritional supplements significantly reduce several indicators, such as: body weight and the ratio of the waist circumference to the hip (Waist-To  -Hip Ratio), and hip circumference, in people who are overweight or obese, and a study published in the Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture indicated that ginger supplements reduces weight by contributing to controlling blood sugar level in mice that have been subject to a high-fat diet.

Consuming ginger increases the feeling of fullness and reduces appetite, and in a preliminary study published in the magazine Metabolism, it appeared that eating ginger reduces the feeling of hunger and enhancing the process of thermal generation ( Thermogenesis) associated with metabolism  , which contribute to weight control.

Ginger products and its benefits:

  • Ginger oil 

Ginger oil is extracted in several ways, but the best type of it is that which is extracted from the whole unpeeled root, and is characterized by containing gingerol complex, which is responsible for most of the benefits provided by ginger. 

  • Ginger Vinegar:

Green ginger can be used to manufacture natural vinegar. 

  • Ginger Jam: 
Fresh ginger can be used to prepare and eat ginger jam in several ways, and other types of fruits can be added to sweeten its taste, as its savory taste may be unpalatable to some people.

How to use ginger 
Ginger can be used in several different ways in food and drink, as its roots or Rhizomes can be eaten as fresh or cooked vegetables, or used as a kind of spice and spices in flavoring foods, or use fresh ones to make ginger tea.  Using the leaves also in food, In addition, some people use ginger food supplements, because of the potential health benefits.

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