How To Get Up Early

Delayed awakening: Many people suffer from the difficulty of waking up early as a result of staying up late at night, or because of drinking drinks that contain many stimulants such as: coffee or tea, which reflects on their productivity, whether at work or study, and their feeling of lethargy and laziness increases, It affects their health, so in this article we will present you with a way to get up early.

The benefits of waking up early

  • It gives the body great activity, as the production of the activity hormone or cortisone increases in the early morning hours.
  • It activates the nervous system, as it stimulates mental actions, and muscles, due to the presence of a large percentage of ozone gas O3.
  • Getting a good breakfast that helps with the daily tasks.
  • Avoid forgetting things like important papers and keys, while going to work, school, or university, in addition to avoiding delaying appointments.

How do I get up early going to sleep early:

  • Waking up long hours at night makes the task of waking up in the morning difficult, so it is advisable to put an alarm at night to remind you to go to sleep.
  • Gradation in waking time: Waking up a little earlier than usual waking time, if the usual waking time is at seven in the morning, and the person needs to wake up at four thirty in the morning, it is advisable to set the alarm at six thirty in the morning, so that the gradient is in time until the arrival to scale in time to 4:30, to reduce the time by five minutes, ten, or a quarter of an hour each time.
  • Jumping on the bed: challenging sleepiness with a lively start, as this helps to combat drowsiness.
  • Turning off the air conditioner: Cold weather contributes to deep sleep, and thus closing the air conditioner is one of the most important steps that helps to overcome drowsiness.
  • Create a beautiful and encouraging morning routine: think about doing something special in the morning, such as: taking a refreshing morning bath, then having a cup of any hot drink such as tea or coffee, then browsing the news on the Internet or in the newspaper, opening e-mail, and social media to learn about news friends.

Tips for getting up early 

  • Changing the time; So that the bedtime seems to have come early, if you were sleeping at ten o'clock, and you wanted to sleep at ten o'clock, you would have to advance your watch to one hour.
  • Leave enough time between dinner and bedtime, to give the digestive system enough time to digest food.
  • Stay away from snooze alarms.
  • Take a break while working, especially during nap hours, as this helps to recharge tired cells and senses, which helps in rejuvenating.

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