How Can I Increase My Self-Confidence

Preparing and getting ready

  Using a specific strategy while preparing for a specific situation helps increase self-confidence, such as planning and careful preparation for the new job before the first day of it, in order to maintain calm and focus and avoid failure in it, and support this with some training, in addition to addressing more activities and skills that It arouses interest, and it is reported that there are some things that increase an individual's confidence and ability to control things, such as eating food and sleeping well.


 The individual’s way of thinking greatly affects in changing his outlook for the future, and that trying to think positively when facing a specific challenge and how to deal with things gives the individual a great power, whether at the personal level or otherwise, while noting that the individual’s resort to thinking positively does not take much time compared to the importance it occupies.

Feeling of confidence and efficiency

 Increasing feelings of confidence and efficiency plays a fundamental role in increasing self-confidence, and this is done by constantly reminding the self of the problems that have been exposed and addressed, and if the individual cannot solve his problems and deal with them, then one can request The help or information that he needs and thus proves to himself that he is able to challenge, and that he can face problems and address them, and the individual must take care of every achievement that he does even if it is small and write it in a memo or anchor it mentally.

Other ways to build self-confidence 

You can build self-confidence using many methods, including the following:

  • Self-esteem for all the accomplishments that are taken.
  • Talking to people that you don't know, and try not to stay alongside with people that you know on a social event.
  • Spend more time with people who provide more encouragement and support, and stay away from people who cause frustration.
  • Stop putting pressure on the self and stop pushing it to do what others want.
  • Avoid comparing yourself with others and thinking about them, and be yourself.
  • Develop the skills that excite you, and enable the achievement of your goal and success. 
  • Adding a variety of interests and favorite skills that can increase the opportunity to meet people with the same interests, which increases the passion and leads to a feeling of distinction and self-confidence.

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