Treating nausea


 Nausea is defined as an upset stomach that is caused by a feeling of an urgent need for vomiting, this symptom not specifically associated with a specific disease; It may be associated with many different diseases. Such as infection; Such as gastroenteritis  or influenza, and nausea may be a symptom of migraine infection, internal ear disease, food poisoning, emotional tension, or motion sickness, heart attack, pancreatitis, bowel obstruction, meningitis, etc. It is worth noting that nausea is also a side effect caused by the use of some medications, as is a common stage symptom The first part of pregnancy, although nausea in itself is not painful, but it disturbs the person and causes a feeling of discomfort in many parts of the body, and in the context of talking about nausea it is indicated that it is often accompanied by vomiting, and may be accompanied by other symptoms that depend on Nausea; These symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, bloating, heartburn, or loss of appetite.

Treating nausea with a lifestyle change

Nausea does not require treatment in most cases, but treatments may help in alleviating sometimes, and in this regard we offer a number of tips that can be followed to relieve nausea, including the following:

  • Relaxation: because excessive motor activity and not getting enough rest may make nausea worse.
  • Keeping the body hydrated, by taking small sips of cold, soda or acidic drinks; Such as lemon juice with water, ginger ale or mint tea, and moisturizing solutions taken orally can also be used to prevent dehydration; Such as pedialyte solution.
  • Eat light foods, and it is recommended to eat easily digestible foods first; Such as toast and biscuits and then gradually switch to breakfast cereals, rice, fruit, salty or protein-rich foods or carbohydrates, and experts advise to avoid eating spicy or greasy foods until six hours have passed since the last time the person was relieved.
  • Avoid strong smells and other stimuli that stimulate nausea and vomiting. Such as perfume, smoke, crowded places, humid environments, food odors, flashes, and driving. 
  • Not drinking large quantities of fluids with meals.
  • Eat slowly, in small quantities, with more meals, as well as avoid bedrocking immediately after eating.
  • Distraction from nausea by doing certain activities; like listening to music or watching a movie.
  • Avoid tightening the abdomen or bending forward, as this may happen as a result of engaging in certain activities or going through certain situations during daily life, but this may result in an increase in pressure on the stomach and thus an increase in the severity of nausea symptoms. 
  • Deep breathing is also recommended. Research has shown that deep breathing at a slow, steady pace contributes to relieving nausea, and a person with nausea can participate in meditation sessions that help him focus on how to control breathing.
  • Eat certain foods; Morning Sickness pregnant women are advised to eat crunchy biscuit chips in the morning before getting out of bed.

Medication for nausea 

Medication depends on the main cause of nausea, and in most cases this condition will go away on its own, especially after vomiting, and controlling nausea involves giving the patient large quantities of fluids, but severe cases may require him to undergo drug treatments, Among the over-the-counter medications to relieve nausea are the following:
  • Medicines that line the stomach’s inner wall and neutralize their acids; Such as Antacids; Whether liquid or chewable, Bismuth subsalicylate, Glucose , Fructose or Phosphoric Acid.
  •  Medicines that  block the brain receptors that stimulate vomiting during movement, and are therefore used to treat or prevent motion sickness, including Dimenhydrinate or Meclizine Hydrochloride.

The doctor may prescribe certain types of medications that reduce nausea if it persists, but most of them may cause drowsiness as one of the most prominent side effects. Prescription for dispensing.

Preventing vomiting when feeling nauseous:

nausea-associated vomiting can be avoided by drinking small amounts of sugar-sweetened fluids as it calms the stomach; Such as soft drinks and fruit juices, except for citrus juices, as they increase the acidity of the stomach, and it is advised to relax either by sitting or lying down supported by a backrest; Since movement may cause worsening symptoms of nausea, and the person may become uncomfortable, in children’s cases, controlling medication to help with fever and persistent coughing reduces the possibility of vomiting. front car; Watching from the side windows during a fast car movement makes nausea worse, and it is also advised to reduce the number of snacks for the child and not to serve him with soft drinks, and not to allow him to play and eat together at the same time while encouraging him to take a break while eating snacks.

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